The Team METHODS of the Research Centre in Epidemiology and Statistics (CRESS-UMR1153) in Paris is inviting applications for a PhD position in Biostatistics.
Qualifications: Applicants should have strong quantitative skills. They should have a MSc degree, or equivalent, in a quantitative discipline such as statistics, mathematics, physics, computer science, health economics. They should be fluent in English, both written and oral. Programming skills in a high-level language such as R or Python are essential and previous experience with Bayesian methodology is desirable. Previous experience with meta-analysis and systematic reviews is desirable but not essential.
Setting: The post is attached to a research grant funded by the National Research Agency of France. Funding for training opportunities and career development is also included. This will allow the post holder to attend workshops and conferences. Within a multidisciplinary and highly motivated environment, the post will provide the opportunity to the successful candidate to work in collaboration with leading international researchers.
Project outline: The PhD position entails research on methods in the field of evidence synthesis, the quantitative synthesis of results from various studies. The focus is on the statistical aspects of network meta-analysis as well as the communication of its results to end-users.
More information and contact details at
Deadline for applications: 5 September 2022