Job: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine: Medical Statistician – 64607

The Global Health Trials Unit at LSTM is looking for a medical statistician to join us working on a range of clinical trials. The appointee will join a highly motivated and competitive multidisciplinary team addressing high-burden diseases, including among others HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, neglected and emerging tropical diseases and respiratory infections in low and middle-income Read more about Job: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine: Medical Statistician – 64607[…]

JOB: Postdoctoral Biostatistician Researcher (x2)

Postdoctoral positions in Biostatistics (2 available) Melbourne, full time, 2 years each These two new positions provide an exciting opportunity for early-career biostatisticians wishing to obtain advanced training and build a career in data science embedded in health and medical research. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to engage collaboratively with epidemiological studies that Read more about JOB: Postdoctoral Biostatistician Researcher (x2)[…]

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine: Medical Statistician – 64607

The Global Health Trials Unit at LSTM is looking for a medical statistician to join us working on a range of clinical trials. The appointee will join a highly motivated and competitive multidisciplinary team addressing high-burden diseases, including among others HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, neglected and emerging tropical diseases and respiratory infections in low and middle-income Read more about Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine: Medical Statistician – 64607[…]

Research Assistant in Applied Statistics and Biometrics, University of Bremen

Research Assistant (f/m/d) for the project “IDEAL” at the research group Applied Statistics and Biometrics At the University of Bremen, Faculty 3 (Mathematics/Computer Science), the research group Applied Statistics and Biometrics  under the direction of Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath is looking for a position – subject to job approval – of a Research assistant (f/m/d) Read more about Research Assistant in Applied Statistics and Biometrics, University of Bremen[…]

Trial Statistician / Senior Trial Statistician at The Institute of Cancer Research, Greater London (Closing date: 20th January 2022)

Trial Statistician / Senior Trial Statistician at The Institute of Cancer Research, Greater London (Closing date: 20th January 2022) • Do you like the challenge of analysing clinical trial datasets and want to become part of a fast-growing team that is dedicated to researching, developing and implementing efficient trial methodology to make a difference in Read more about Trial Statistician / Senior Trial Statistician at The Institute of Cancer Research, Greater London (Closing date: 20th January 2022)[…]

Μοντέλα Μηχανικής Μάθησης

Διδάσκων Απ. Μπουρνέτας   Σκοπός του μαθήματος Το αντικείμενο του μαθήματος είναι η μελέτη μαθηματικών και στατιστικών μοντέλων για το σχεδιασμό αλγορίθμων πρόβλεψης, οι οποίοι έχουν την ιδιότητα να βελτιώνονται σταδιακά μέσω των δεδομένων που εισάγονται σε αυτούς προσομοιώνοντας μια διαδικασία εκμάθησης. Το μεθοδολογικό υπόβαθρο των αλγορίθμων μηχανικής μάθησης αναφέρεται κυρίως σε πιθανότητες, στατιστική ανάλυση Read more about Μοντέλα Μηχανικής Μάθησης[…]

Ανάλυση Μεγάλων Δεδομένων στον τομέα της Υγείας

Σκοπός του μαθήματος O κύριος στόχος του μαθήματος είναι η εξοικείωση των φοιτητών με τη διαχείριση και ανάλυση Μεγάλων Δεδομένων (Big Data) από το χώρο της Βιοϊατρικής έρευνας και των συστημάτων υγείας. Εκπαιδευτικοί Στόχοι Οι φοιτητές μετά την επιτυχή  ολοκλήρωση του μαθήματος θα έχουν αποκτήσει γνώσεις σχετικά με τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά των Big Data και Read more about Ανάλυση Μεγάλων Δεδομένων στον τομέα της Υγείας[…]

Job: Research Associate, MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, UK

This is an exciting opportunity for an ambitious post-doctoral research associate to join the MRC Biostatistics Unit to carry out research within the Unit’s Precision Medicine theme. The post-holder will focus on developing novel methodology and applying it to answer clinically-relevant questions, with the aim of improve scientific understanding and/or prediction for hospital patients using Read more about Job: Research Associate, MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, UK[…]

JOB: Clinical Trials Statistician, University of Edinburgh, UK

The Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit at the Usher Institute within The University of Edinburgh is looking for a Clinical Trials Statistician to support a number of funded clinical trial research projects. Informal enquiries may be directed to Prof Chris Weir, or Prof Steff Lewis, (Statistics Team Co-Leads). If you are interested but don’t Read more about JOB: Clinical Trials Statistician, University of Edinburgh, UK[…]

PhD studentship – MRC Doctoral Training Programme in Precision Medicine – University of Edinburgh, UK

A PhD studentship is now available for applications within the MRC Doctoral Training Programme in Precision Medicine at University of Edinburgh. Project title:  “Surrogate outcomes: modelling uptake in clinical trials and deriving from multiple biomarkers” Project summary: Details of eligibility and the application process: The deadline for applications is 20 January 2022.