Aris Dokoumetzidis is Associate Professor of Pharmacometrics in the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Athens in Greece and Adjunct Researcher in the Pharma-Informatics Unit of Athena Research and Innovation Center. Previously he has worked as a lecturer in the School of Pharmacy at Queen’s University Belfast (UK), and as a Research Fellow at the Centre of Applied Pharmacokinetic Research (CAPKR) of the University of Manchester (UK). He studied Physics and obtained a PhD in Pharmacokinetics in 2002 both from the University of Athens. He has served as a member of the Modelling and Simulation Working Party (MSWP) of the European Medicines Agency from 2016 to 2021. His research interests include, Model Informed Drug Development (MIDD), Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology and Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models (PBPK).