Klea Katsouyanni

Klea Katsouyanni is a Professor of Public Health, Environmental Research Group, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London and a Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School.

Her research focuses on the health effects of environmental stressors, mainly outdoor air pollution. She has been the Coordinator of the EU network APHEA which provided European-wide results on the short-term effects of air pollution and a Partner in several related international projects (e.g. PHEWE, AIRGENE, ESCAPE, ELAPSE, EuroHEAT, STEAM, EXHAUSTION, EXPANSE). Currently she is involved in the investigation of air pollution and the urban environment and health, ozone exposure and children’s respiratory health, source-specific particles and health, methodological issues such as the impact of measurement error on health effect estimates and the effects of extremely high temperatures on mortality.

She has been or is a member of several national and international advisory committees (E.C., W.H.O. etc) for environmental health topics. She is now a member of the European Respiratory Society Environment and Health Committee and of the WHO Global Air Pollution and Health Technical Advisory Group.

She has more than 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals, h-index 108 (Google Scholar, 2023).

In 2006 she was awarded the John Goldsmith award for sustained and outstanding contributions to the knowledge and practice of Environmental Epidemiology by the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE).


Research MethodologyEnvironmental Epidemiology